We are calling for papers from various disciplines which apply SEM (either PLS-SEM or Covariance SEM) to be submitted to and/or presented at SASEM 2017. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and published as symposium proceedings. While all extended abstracts and full papers will be reviewed, only the revised extended abstracts and full papers will be considered for publication in indexed and refereed journals. Distinguished and Best Papers will be announced.
Submission of abstract: By September 1,
2017 (acceptance of abstract is sufficient to secure a presentation slot during
the symposium)
Submission of extended abstract/full
paper: July 31, 2017 (deadline for competitive paper) and
August 18, 2017 (normal submission)
Notification of extended abstract/full paper
decision: 1-2 weeks after submission
Submission of camera ready
paper: September 1, 2017
Submission Guidelines:
1. Abstract, extended abstract and full paper must be
written in English.
2. Word limits: Abstract (150-200 words), Extended Abstract (1500-5000 words)
and Full Paper (5000-9000 words). Word counts include tables, figures and
3. Official invitation to join SASEM2017 is issued based on acceptance of
abstract. The presenter can proceed with the registration and presentation
without submitting the extended abstract/full paper (optional).
4. Only extended abstract and full paper which fulfills
submission criteria and is submitted by July 7 will be considered for best
paper award. All extended abstracts and full papers will be reviewed and
considered for publication.
5. Each participant is encouraged to present one paper.
The fee for one additional paper (maximum three papers in total) is MYR500
(USD150 for international participant). For presentation in absentia, the
same guideline applies.
6. Each participant should not be
the corresponding author of more than three papers.
7. When submitting your paper, please indicate the
author who presents by designating an asterisk (*) after his/her name on the
title page.
8. Please adhere to Author Guidelines of the Journal of Applied
Structural Equation Modeling (JASEM) when submitting your
abstracts, extended abstracts and full papers to SASEM2017.
Please submit your papers to:
Dr. Francis Chuah (jasem.malaysia@gmail.com and
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