International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH) is an academic cum professional (industry) event that aims to advance the discourse on responsible tourism for sustainable development. The conference started in 2021 in a virtual form and continued in 2022 using a hybrid mode.

Thousands of delegates attended the conference including officials from the Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Sarawak, UNWTO and PATA as well as participants from academia and industry.

After declaring the commitment of Sarawak to responsible tourism in 2021, the responsible tourism movement has expanded to countries in Southeast Asia in recent years.

This year, ICRTH will be co-organised by IPB University (Indonesia), Sarawak Research Society (Malaysia) and Responsible Borneo on 21-25 August 2023 with the theme “Reviving Tourism through Green Investments”. Investments are crucial from a strategic perspective for the tourism sector and its recovery from the COVID-19 epidemic. The emphasis on green investments highlights the sector’s ability to use its global significance to create beneficial contributions that go beyond tourism itself as well as its role in responding to climate emergencies.

The conference receives support from the local authorities, national and international governments, professional bodies, academic institutions, associations, and communities. In particular, it is supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Indonesia and Mayor of Bogor (see letter of support). We would like to invite you to join ICRTH2023 in Bogor (Indonesia). Mark your date and join us in advocating responsible tourism and hospitality to sustain tourism and the well-being of the people, planet and future generation.
